Untitled (from Vanishing Point) 1998 Beeswax, porcelain, aluminium Valeska Soares |
Brazilian-born artist Valeska Soares has consistently transformed neutral environments into works of art, but unlike most installation art to date, Valeska’s work focuses on what happens beyond the space and time of the exhibition itself. In a way, her installations work as life-size models, oddly-scaled metaphors for events that could have happened long before the exhibition ever takes place. In Valeska’s installations, the spectator/participant seems to experience a split between real and representational time; you become aware of the immensity of your own daydream. Through a seemingly inexhaustible range of techniques, themes and strategies, Valeska’s work oscillates between materiality and memory, desire and decay, sensation and intoxication. Although she keeps a studio in Brooklyn, most of her work involves traveling and exposure to the environments for which she will produce works.
Untitled (from Fall) 1994 Cast beeswax and red roses Valeska Soares |
Timeline 1 (detail) 2010 31 book pages, copper wire Length 19'10" Valeska Soares |
Untitled (from After, Mattress II) 2008 Hand carved marble Valeska Soares |
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